Cloak of ‘Iron Wolf’ Ozirik Ulfang

Cloak of Sir Ulfang.png

Cloak of "Iron Wolf" Ozirik Ulfang
Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)

This fur cloak is crafted from the gray and black pelt of a large Northern Dire wolf and is of excellent quality. It is lined with deep red silk and fastened about the neck and shoulders with a finely wrought gold chain, with a hasp crafted to look like a snarling wolf head. The skinned wolf head has been left attached to the cloak to form a hood. This magic cloak of an ancient Tolaraxian Noble House provides a +1 to the wearer's AC, Resistance to cold damage and while wearing the hood, advantage on stealth skill checks. Should you encounter wolves or wargs of any nature and you wear the hood, you become invisible to their sight.


Gnoll Raider


Rubble Grumble