
Crypt Rehab: The Bane of Adventurers

Crypt Rehab: An Explosive Celebration

Crypt Rehab EP.19: Smelt the Sucker, Dealt the Sucker


Ba’shem’ik’s Bracers

Cold Iron Eidolons

Crypt Rehab EP.18: 1d6 Emotional Damage


Feasting Cadaver

Witch-Glove Strangler

Crypt Rehab EP. 17: The Freethrow Menace

Crypt Rehab EP. 16: Reflecting on Poor Decisions

Crypt Rehab ep.14: Lesser of two Evils

Sleeping King

Witch Thimble

Crackle Pods

Crypt Rehab ep. 13: Peaceful Port Dakala

Remorgana’s Mirror

Tabletop Totality & Friends play "Getri's Grimoire!" for 5e!

Tabletop Totality & Friends Play 5E: The Forsaken Sepulcher Part 1

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