Witch Thimble

This particular mushroom is the most magical of the three. These mythic mycological marvels are capable of reaching 10ft in height. They have a pink stalk, a spiny orange cap and deep blue gills. Local folklore says these particular mushrooms are not of this world and deem them unnatural. They are prized for both their incredible toxicity and their powerful magical properties. There are several variations of a children's tale that involves a dreadful witch and her manipulation and poisoning of folk in the town near her swamp. The specifics might vary but all of them have the same general moral lesson; Don't trust strangers in the wild or partake of their strange offerings. These are the foul work of a dreadfully powerful witch from long ago and they have long outlived her reign. The flesh of this mushroom is incredibly poisonous and is almost always lethal. Even prolonged contact with the mushroom to bare skin can be deadly.

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This mushroom will be show casing in our new adventure book for this spooky month! Keep an eye out for that when it drops.


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