Akuktuq: (AH KOOK TUCK) A Penguin like race of semi avian humanoids. Their origins can be traced back to the frozen continent where they have found their niche and flourished. Akuktuq are typically shaded with black feathers but have been known to sport shades of purple and blue while their underbellies range from cream to snow white.
Size Is No Matter: The Akuktuq, which comes from their own language and means “those who catch fish”, are largely a primitive people. They govern themselves in a tribal sense, with groups of families forming clans and owing allegiance to a chieftain. These chieftains meet occasionally to discuss trade, hunting and rarely, war. On the Frozen Continent, the Akuktuq are regarded as a strange and quirky people but highly respected for their skill as hunter gatherers and navigators. Sometimes referred to as “Whale Riders”, the Akuktuq famously herd and hunt much larger creatures including whales which provide the oil they depend on for trade. They are restricted by the limitations of their physiology and must trade for goods they could never hope to make with their less than dextrous hands. They have fashioned crossbows, Igimak, that fit their hands and are used to fire harpoons which they use to wear down larger prey. The whale riding comes from sharpened tusk bracers, Kiguti, which they use to mount and attack the whales and other such beasts. They are a resilient people, highly adapted for the harsh environment that they call their home. They are a simple people, regarding the hunt, preparation for the harshest storms and the migration of beasts as their top priorities.
Honest Words: Akuktuq are not know for being deceitful or for lying as it is simply not something their society deems a quality worth having. Akuktuq live day to day in brutal conditions and so when they speak, they speak the truth as far as they understand it. They say what they mean but lack the social tact to speak in a matter that is facetious, sarcastic or to even embellish on what they are trying to communicate. What results is that the Akuktuq are often regarded as being rude and saying far more than they have to. In describing things, a Akuktuq feels the need to say “The hill that is highest which greets the sun first in the morning” instead of “the tallest eastern hill”. This makes conversation with Akuktuq, especially groups of them, arduous. Akuktuq waste little time on pleasantries and prefer to deal with a situation proactively. If something bothers one, they will tell you as they see no sense in waiting for something to boil over. This makes them less than savvy diplomats, negotiators and spies. This isn’t to say it is impossible, especially for an Akuktuq who is removed from their society or grew up in a more cosmopolitan setting.
Masters Of Beasts: Survival in the frigid northern climate of the frozen continent is the top priority of all things that live there. This is not to be taken lightly, as most living things wish to stay alive but having it not be a waking concern is a luxury Akuktuq don’t have. They understand the seasons, the movement of beasts and the passage of time better than most and so make for excellent Druids and Rangers. Akuktuq have a natural affinity for handling beasts and communicating with the wilds, understanding the greater circle of life around themselves and their place within the natural order of living things in their environment. As such, they are natural tenders of game and harvest only what will be used in its entirety. The never forage more than their environment can handle as to do so would not only harm other living things but put even more strain on their already minimalist existence. Akuktuq know that the living world is a necessary balance and they are unwilling to needlessly upset that balance. Akuktuq hunters are often seen with larger animals that could very well pose as threats to a far sturdier people, simply because they are able to connect with them on a different level.
Ice Thaws, Snow Melts, All Rivers Run Their Course: Akuktuq have a spoken tongue but no written language. The closest they come are murals made in remote glacial caves that serve as a pilgrimage for young Akuktuq coming into adulthood. The journey to the cave is more the point than just making one’s mark especially since Akuktuq feel that nothing lasts forever. People have surmised that perhaps this is why they have no written language, not seeing a point in recording anything. It is not hard to see, especially in their shifting and tumultuous world. Life is dangerous in the wilds and for as much as life is a part of nature, so is death. Taking the life of another creature so that you and your family can survive is necessary and so the Akuktuq view the journey through life unto death is the most important one, with each day lived as best as they can. No matter the heroic deed, the awful war, the laughter, the tears, all things fade before the passage of time. The Akuktuq can be stoic in this regard but not apathetic. To lose a loved one or a friend is a terrible thing but they accept that it is only part of life and waste little time grieving, seeing it as their duty to live while their loved one no longer can. The foodstuffs, the tools and gear of the fallen are quickly passed on to those who need them and life continues. A common saying is “Ice thaws, snow melts, all rivers run their course.”
Akuktuq Adventurers: Akuktuq are slow to be roused to involve themselves in outside affairs, preferring to serve their individual families and clan as best as they can. It is rare for an Akuktuq to be on their own so Akuktuq adventurers would have potentially lost their family, been exiled or would be driven by some dire circumstance to seek the outside world. For Akuktuq to go to war, the chieftains and clans must all agree, as one family or clan would not put the lives of all of their people at risk for personal cause. As in the past, when great threats have come to their homeland and migration was not a viable option, they have mobilized in great force to and overwhelm their enemy with coordinated attacks and pack tactics. When survival of the family, the clan and the people is brought in to question, each Akuktuq will gladly lay down their lives to ensure that the people persevere. Akuktuq adventurers can come from any class though they favor Druid and Rangers as a whole.
Akuktuq Names: (For either gender) Aglu, Akpak, Amaruk, Bogo, Bukaa, Cama, Cedlik, Denza, Digu, Ebit, Effa, Fligg, Flok, Gerti, Gunda, Helku, Himn, Ikpik, Inua, Kulu, Komatiq, Lifa, Luug, Moti, Muq, Nanoo, Nivi, Olii, Opaa, Pak, Prikaa, Quena, Quilda, Rama, Rollo, Tak, Tunba, Ubo, Ulu, Vada, Vugi, Zaba, Zix
Surnames tend to identify the clan or family unit of the Akuktuq, an example being; "I am Prikka of the Far River Akuktuq, Son of Pak."
Akuktuq Traits: Your Akuktuq character has the following traits
Ability Score Increases: Your Constitution score increases by 1 and your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Age: Akuktuq have shorter lives than humans, reaching maturity at about 10 years old and living to about 40.
Alignment: Akuktuq are typically of a good alignment with an outlook more centered on Neutrality. Akuktuq do not seek violence, war or conquest, rather they are largely content within their clan’s territory and willing to help those in need.
Size: Akuktuq are unique in that they are known to have both Small and Medium sizes in their race. This is in response to frequent isolation and adaptation in order to survive the unforgiving landscape. With that being said, Small Akuktuq or Sinnaq which are closer to the sea are between 3 and 4 feet tall. They typically weigh between 40 and 80 pounds. The taller Akuktuq or Nunatuq who live further inland are between 4 and 5 feet tall. They typically weight between 50 and 110 pounds.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 25ft as Akuktuq often move slowly and methodically over snow drifts and shifting ice sheets. However, you treat difficult terrain as caused by arctic conditions as normal terrain. Your swimming speed is 45ft.
Amphibious Facade: Even though some may believe the Akuktuq can breath under water they have no way to do so. Instead they have the ability to hold their breath extremely longer than most other land dwelling creatures. An Akuktuq can hold it’s breath for at least 10 minutes before starting to struggle for air.
Heavy Handed Ingenuity: Akuktuq are a resourceful and creative people who are well adapted to difficult situations with little resources. As such, you may as a full action, take time to craft an item from simple natural materials such as bone, stone, wood, horn, etc. You cannot use this ability to craft something that requires further and finer tuning, as in the case of metallurgy, smelting, alchemy, etc. The item requires ten minutes for every square foot and you must have access to rudimentary tools such as a hammer stone, an adze, a horn drill or a knife. Adversely, the shape of the Akuktuq hand ensures that to create something intricate would be a near impossible task. Their fingers are ill suited for clockwork, machinery, complex design and the like. While they can roll with advantage to repair something with simple materials, as in repairing the spoke on a cart wheel or carving a new fishing hook from bone, they must roll with disadvantage to attempt to create or repair something like a firearm, a dirigible, an automaton, or the workings of a complex lock.
Living With The Land: You are proficient in your choice of two of the following skills; Medicine, Nature, Survival, Stealth. You are also naturally proficient with the Animal Handling skill.
Made Of Thicker Stuff: Akuktuq have resistance to damage received from Cold sources and roll with advantage of Constitution saves made to resist the effects of cold weather on the body. This resistance to cold damage grants them automatic success against the hourly constitution save made against extreme cold exhaustion.
Peck: Your hardened beak is a natural weapon that you can use in combat. Your beak deals 1D6 piercing damage plus your strength modifier instead of the normal unarmed bludgeoning damage dealt from an attack of this type.
Pathways Hidden By Ice And Snow: Akuktuq are natural navigators and have a keen mind for recalling direction or paths they have traveled. Even outside of their natural environment, their culture has taught them to identify landmarks and how to determine the direction they are headed. You may roll with advantage on checks made to determine direction, navigate or to prevent yourself from getting lost.
Languages: Akuktuq speak Akuktuq and Common. Some Akuktuq have taught themselves to read Common and other languages but this would be a rarity as the concept of a written language is deemed counter productive to the Akuktuq people.