
Crafted for the Akuktuq's whale hunts. It is fashioned to allow the wielder to stay attached to its hunt this way the hunted creature has a less chance of escape. With the idea of hunting nautical creatures it is designed to work better underwater, as it was crafted to fly through water and not air, making this seem like a primitive crossbow to the less wise who come across it. Worn on the fin of the Akuktuq’s it becomes a very difficult item to use for any creature besides them.


Proficiency: Akuktuq race

1d8 Piercing, 2 lb., Ammunition (Aquatic 50-200, surface 25-100) Light, Loading, Aquatic, Tethering, Attached

Aquatic: This weapon has two sets of range for either shooting while submerged or shooting while on the surface. While the ammunition travels out of the water it moves 10ft per square instead of 5ft per square.

Tethering: This weapon is crafted so its ammunition is attached by rope. With a successful attack the weapon becomes linked with the creature or object it has hit. If on solid ground and the creature/object is no more than one size larger than you, you can roll an opposing Strength check. With a success the creature can not move this turn as you are holding it but you also lose your next movement action. If you fail the creature is allowed to move half its speed as it drags you along with it taking damage at the discretion of your Overlord. To remove the ammunition takes an action and 1d4 points of damage as its design is difficult to just pull out but you can also cut the line attaching back to the user to free yourself.

Attached: The weapon is attached to the creature leaving its hand open to use. This also means that to remove the weapon from the user it must be destroyed or unlashed from the creature.



