
The Kiguti is crafted to protect the Akuktuq and to deliver the finishing blows during the whale hunts. The reason why it works so well in the whale hunts is because of the ability to attach to the other fin of the Akuktuq. This allows them to wield both the Igimak and the Kiguti with no worries of losing the items mid-hunt. As the Akuktuq gets closer to its prey it will use the sharpened tusks attached to its wing as the weapon to deliver the finishing blow. They will also use it to hold onto a creature if its tether breaks while they are on their prey making this a second chance to not lose the prey.


Kiguti: Proficiency: Akuktuq race 1d4 Piercing +1 AC, 2lb., Finesse, Light, Attached

Attached: The weapon is attached to the creature leaving its hand open to use. For example allowing someone to reload the Igimak without sheathing the Kiguti. This also means that to remove the weapon from the user it must be destroyed or unlashed from the creature.




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