Umbrald Mines

This encounter will be suitable for a party of players in the Level 3 - Level 4 range and between 4 and 5 players in The Party. This side quest will have four separate encounters that will culminate in potentially damning evidence of sabotage and villainy at the hands of Mezzo The Mad and his nefarious associates. There are two encounters in this particular setting, one with Geodytes in the northern section which are an occasional problem for the Thistledown Miners but not unheard of. The second encounter will be with several Ankhegs who have burrowed into one of the main mining chambers due to the disappearance of workers and machines that normally keep these beasts clear.

This quest is apart of our greater pdf called Adventures of Thistledown. If you like it we suggest going to the pdf to get the whole story for now!

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A Twilight Camp


Sorebacks and Empty Stomachs