A Twilight Camp

Overview: Many have started to find places of prominence in the town of Thistledown during its chaotic times. One of these groups is The Hall of Heroes led by Grogga a Chaotic Neutral Female Half Orc Gladiator. She has a strong belief that her band of mercenaries should be the ones to guard Thistledown and be the soldiers that protect it instead of any of these ‘local hay seeds’ that currently hold the mantle. Grogga believes that one of the ways they can prove her point is by culling some of the Hobgoblins that now populate the forest at the base of Mt. Arkhaz. She will be searching for any group that looks strong or willing enough to take up the quest in the name of The Hall of Heroes. This quest is meant for a party of 4 at level 5 or 6.

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