A Whack at Temptation

simple trap (Level 1-4, no threat) A small hammer swings inside of the mechanism and breaks your lock pick.

Triggers. On attempting to pick the trap.

Effects. DC 15 Dexterity saving throw check made with thieves’ tools. On a failed save, a hammer swings down and destroys any lockpick or tool inside of the lock. The momentum of the hammer spins a gear and a spring reactivates the hammer trap during which the lock pushes out debris. The trap is then reset.

Countermeasures. DC 15 Intelligence (Investigate) check reveals a small rod protruding from the door, it acts as the axis of the hammer. DC 15 Dexterity check made with thieves’ tools disables the trap by removing the rod. Once the rod has been removed a loud thud is heard from inside the door, the spring and rewinding mechanism is destroyed.

This trap although simple can be a useful tool to use on an unaware party of adventurers. A trap like this is used to expend resources from a thief and possibly prevent them from continuing further. The thieves’ tools description states a set of lockpicks, I would consider that about 3-5 picks. Breaking all a tool kits lockpicks would severely slow down a criminal.” Ruinkeeper


Cerebral Cutlass


Shadowspun Cloak