Cerebral Cutlass

2nd Level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action.

Range: Touch

Components: V,S,M (Amethyst Shard)

Duration: Concentration up to 1 hour.

Save: None.

You conjure a crackling violet blade from the gem shard in your hand. This weapon is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming the resistances of your foes. This weapon is considered to be of light weight and deals 2D6 Psychic damage with each successful hit. You must be proficient with Martial Weapons in order to add your proficiency bonus to your attack rolls. You may however substitute your spell casting attribute in place of your strength or dexterity modifier when determining attack roll modifiers. This weapon does not have a hardness, it does not slash or pierce the skin. It cannot be broken through force but it can be disarmed; anything that causes the weilder to drop the gem shard will dispel the weapon. Similarily, casting Dispel Magic, Anti-Magic Field or Disintigrate will destroy the weapon. Casting this spell at 4th level increases the damage by 1D6, and a further 1D6 at 6th level


Whisper, Bard (College of Bones, Level 10)


A Whack at Temptation