Sewer Goblins!!
Description: This encounter follows our model of "Anytown, DND!" where you can in theory place an encounter that we have created into any old town you might happen to have in your game at home. With that being said, we have left certain details like the town map, the name and the like blank so that you can fill in the details as you see fit. Remember, take our work as a stepping stone towards whatever end you see fit for your game and your players.
Now, in said unnamed town, if the party stops at the local inn they happen to hear two men talking about Goblins and how they have infested the sewers. If the players go up to the men, named Krill and Ricken, they learn that both are masons for the city. If asked more about the goblins they will mention how the mayor of the town seems to not be doing anything about it even though many of the townsfolk have mentioned it to the Mayor. According to Krill, the Mayor informed him that the Goblins will likely move on and to not even worry about their mischief. The only problem is that it has been 6 weeks now and towns people have started to go missing on top of a plethora of stolen common goods ranging from food to simply very shiny objects that are being taken out of local shops. Ricken will mention how his cousin the blacksmith has lost many of his best polished work to these thieves!
The two men notice that the party seems like they are equipped to be able to handle this problem and beg the party to help. Making a comment "we don't care if the goods come back we just want it to end."
If the party declines the quest then Krill and Ricken will both go to try and handle the problem and never be heard from again. Party will be asked by guards if they know where they are because they are reported missing by their families and the party was reported the last around them. The party will not be held accountable about the missing individuals because it has been common for people to go missing in town.
If the party accepts Ricken will mention how he saw one of the goblins scurry to the northern sewer entrance one night and that they must be in them. Showing exactly where it is on a map. "No one enters the sewers and those putrid creatures are the only ones that could handle that smell!"
If party heads straight to sewers
Jump past info gathering to sewer entrance section
If party goes to gather more info
Mayor- will dismiss any visitors as he is way to busy and can not waist his time on you folk. (possible just turned away by the guards at the front of the mayor’s building)
Inn Keeper- Mentions how their are many rumors floating around about the sewers. The only thing that actually floats down there is shit. People need to just worry about their own jobs and leave it to the mayor and the guards to solve all the other problems. (seems genuine and carefree of the worries of the town)
Krills cousin Oklin- Says how many things have gone missing from the forage but only things that have been polished. It is not related to the value of the objects created. He shows his own sword which has seen many years of use. "This is Catherine, She has saved my hid more then I can count and never losses its sharpness." The more you look at it you realize that it is a great-sword made of the finest craft even though it does not look like it. "I have many a thief try and steal her over the years over but these ones seem to not care at all for it. All they want is anything polished." (Seems very surprised on what has been stolen and is 100% genuine with what he has said)
Guards- Seem to not pay attention to the issues when mentioned to them and disregard the worry of the town. (with a DC 25 insight check the person will sense something off or aloof about all the guards if more then one is talked to. As if they are not as concerned for the town like most guards would be) (With a successful insight check the party can also make a DC 25 Arcana check and if successful it will remind that party member of a charm spell they have seen before. They are not sure what spell it is)
No one else will give any helpful information.
Sewer entrance
If the party searches outside the entrance (DC 15 Perception check) they will notice many small humanoid footprints leading in and out of the sewer. (Overlord's discretion you can say goblin footprints, possibly for a very well rolled check)
Room I- Sewers
As the party enters a tight corridor of steeps leading down, the smell becomes worse all they can think is how Ricken may have been right about the smell and what type of creature would want to live in such filth. Once the party finishes their decent they are at the service room before the main sewer run. It looks as if it was ransacked with broken crates and barrels littering the area. Tools rummaged through and anything of value seeming to be taken out of the room. All the foot prints move further into the sewers
Once they descend down the stairs out of the first room they enter a tunnel that has sewage running in the center of the room with a bridge going across the stream of septic. The smell is almost unbearable to the party. When first entering if no one is trying to perceive the area and they don't meet a DC15 passive perception The goblins in the room will take attacks of opportunity. If they are noticed have all but at least one stay and fight and one or more flee further into the sewer (in the direction of room 4).
Room II- Encounter
Depending on the level of the party set up goblins accordingly. This is to wet the parties whistle in a way, so make it an easy battle only a few goblins. This may make the party fall into traps easier which goblins love to do!
Creating the encounter I would keep in mind that depending on the party size and level you will need to adjust accordingly. It should be an easy encounter as it is just some goblins maybe scouting or being an alarm source. You can adapted by adding more goblins or stronger Goblinoid creatures for stronger level groups like our Goblin Lashmaster from our own created creatures.
Once the goblins are killed The party is free to move around this room. Looking around the hallway they notice signs of goblins all over the tunnel. Looking at the doors at the farthest point in the tunnels they look crudely created. Under further inspection DC 13 perception it seemed like there was a wall there but was destroyed and poorly crafted wooden doors now stand where the stone wall existed.
Room III
Room 3 has some spoiled rations stored in it but nothing else of value located into it. Optional choice of placing a trap on the door. Possible using one of the great Tabletop Totality traps. Also if using a trap allow the party the chance to know that a trap is located on the space.
Recommendation- A good trap to spice it up for any level is The Adventurer Like You Trap, break down of trap located at the end of the quest with map. Also adapt the damage die to fit your players characters so it doesn't become a huge kill threat but still uses resources.
Room IV Encounter
Once entering the room a harsh smell hits all of the players. Each player will need to roll a constitution saving throw DC 14. If any player fails they now have disadvantage because of the putrid stink in the sewers. This effect last for five minutes.
This is going to be one of the bigger encounters for the sewers but not the end boss fight. This is where you want to use some of the parties spells or abilities up before reaching the boss.
I would create this a medium to hard encounter because of it being the main home of the infesting goblins.
Adding in stronger Goblinoid creatures if needed like hobgoblins or the Goblin Lashmaster.
Once the party defeats this group if they search the room they will find some of the stolen goods from the town. You can roll for random loot or just have it be some fine crafted and polished jewelry and items of the similar sort. They will noticed another section of doors like the previous ones at the entrance for room 5.
*Room V Optional Encounter
To enter this room the players will either need to pick the lock for the doors or break them down. There is a trap set up on both of these doors and will create annoyance for the rouge of the group. This is a Tabletop Totality special trap called A Whack at Temptation, break down of trap located at the end of the quest with map. To break down the door a DC 18 strength check will successfully bring down the door.
This is an optional choice you can make depending on how your party is doing as a Overlord.
Choice 1
The room is empty of people and the party notices more supplies and horribly written letters of gibberish on the table. Straight across form the doors there is a ladder that seems to go to a hatch in the ceiling of the room.
Choice 2
You populate another encounter for the party this one I would make just one head goblin possibly a boss who is over seeing the operation. Or so it looks..... Once the encounter is finished they experience all of choice 1.
Room VI
Once either choice plays out if the party decides to head up the ladder they find themselves in what seems to be a closet. A DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check the player will realize that there is a person tied up in the corner of this closet. If they go up to the person it happens to be the mayor who is tied up. He will thank the party as they free him and proceed to grab the torch mantle and pull it, opening the false wall leading into the office of the mayor. Once they get out of the fake room sitting at the mayor's table looks to be the mayor as well!
Knowing he is caught the false mayor drops his disguise and stands before the party a young human no older than 18. Tall in stature and has long hair dressed in a blue robe. Telling them his name is Gentron and he is the mayor’s brother. Explaining it started out as a little prank bringing the goblins in the sewers because they suit his own joking nature but after a while the goblins started getting out of control and no longer listened to Gentron. He tried to handle it on his own after knocking out and kidnapping a couple people to keep the peace. (This included the Mayor himself.) After realizing he couldn't solve the issue he started to panic but now here you are. Gentron seems to be well relived about your appearance in the room. Once freeing the Mayor he confirms Gentron's story and apologizes for the inconvenience of the matter. The mayor offers a reward for solving the issue paying each player 50 gp and Gentron gives the party his own wand. (Getron’s wand allows the players to cast 3 minor illusion spells, spell DC 18, recharges at midnight. If tried to be sold will only go for 1 gold because it looks as though it is just a stick and somehow its magical properties can not be found out)
The party is now escorted out of the mansion and are left alone in the street. People will still mention to this day that goblins live in the sewers of the city and that they roam the city at the late hours of the night!
Sewers entrance
Sewers exit to Mayor’s home
Below are the descriptions of the traps.
Traps! A Whack at Temptation- simple trap (Level 1-4, no threat) A small hammer swings inside of the mechanism and breaks your lock pick.
Triggers. On attempting to pick the trap.
Effects. DC 15 Dexterity saving throw check made with thieves’ tools. On a failed save, a hammer swings down and destroys any lockpick or tool inside of the lock. The momentum of the hammer spins a gear and a spring reactivates the hammer trap during which the lock pushes out debris. The trap is then reset.
Countermeasures. DC 15 Intelligence (Investigate) check reveals a small rod protruding from the door, it acts as the axis of the hammer. DC 15 Dexterity check made with thieves’ tools disables the trap by removing the rod. Once the rod has been removed a loud thud is heard from inside the door, the spring and rewinding mechanism is destroyed.
“This trap although simple can be a useful tool to use on an unaware party of adventurers. A trap like this is used to expend resources from a thief and possibly prevent them from continuing further. The thieves’ tools description states a set of lockpicks, I would consider that about 3-5 picks. Breaking all a tool kits lockpicks would severely slow down a criminal.” Ruinkeeper.
An Adventurer Like You- Simple trap (Level 1-4, Dangerous threat) The crossbow is hidden at knee height designed to cripple an intruder using a special arrow head attached to a bolt.
Triggers. A creature that walks through the trip wire triggers the trap.
Effects. The trap makes an attack against the triggering creature. The attack has a +8 attack bonus and deals 5 (1D10) piercing damage on a hit. This attack can’t gain advantage or disadvantage. When a creature is hit by the attack, they must make a DC 15 Constitution check on a successful save the creature only takes the damage and is not affected by the condition. On a failed save the affected creatures speed is halved and the creature cannot use the dash action. The creature also gains disadvantage on all Dexterity saving throws. This condition last 1D10 minutes or until the creature is healed with a cure wounds spell slot 1st or higher.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a wire. A successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap, and a check with a total of 10 or lower triggers the trap.
“This almost ended my adventuring career, it took me weeks to nurse my knee back to good working condition.” Ruinkeeper.
Here are the maps for downloading!