
1st Level Divination (Ritual)

Casting Time: 1 Minute

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M ( A Glass Lense worth at least 100gp and a white cloth ribbon)

Duration: Instantaneous

You are able to discover three pieces of information by studying an object that you can sit with and touch. These glimpses can pertain to the creation of the object, its usage in the past, the previous owners, etc. These glimpses are divined unlike the Legend Lore Spell which grants a boon of knowledge, even the obscure. This spell grants its boon through a series of images that play out in small scenes determined by the Game Master. The object also does not have to be a legendary item or one that has lore surrounding it. It can be common and mundane, but then it is likely that the knowledge gained from the spell will also be as such.


Sewer Goblins!!