Monk Sub Class: Way of the Unseen Weight

Description: Monasteries across the world have each found their calling, unlocked their potential and mastered an aspect of this world. This mastery comes through unwavering discipline, gainful wisdom passed down through generations, the ability to channel some of the energy that surrounds all living things and finally through hard work. Traditions have led Monasteries to study the individual elements, to train with a specific weapon, to embrace the shadows and the light; but there is another force at work. There is a hidden energy that often goes unseen but that dominates life upon this realm and so many others. This weight that pushes and pulls at the heavenly bodies, that dictates the coming of the tides. Students of the Unseen Weight learn to harness this energy and bend it however slightly to their will. Masters of this art can dispatch whole swathes of enemies, crushing them into the ground while they themselves are moving about as if upon the air. Because of this power, the secrets of this particular tradition are guarded at all costs and practitioners of the art tend to save their own powers until it is absolutely necessary. If given the opportunity, they will downplay their craft as circumstantial chaos, as nothing more than an accident when in fact they are pulling at hidden strings to dictate the outcome of a battle.

3rd Level Ability: Unseen Fury:

You may spend a Ki Point to use your Flurry of Blows ability but at a range of 15ft. Unlike Flurry of Blows, you do not have to have had made an attack against your target first. You roll the attack and damage as normal but at a range and with the Force damage type.

For an additional ki point, you may add a single 1d10 force damage to a strike. You must declare this before the attack succeeds.

6th Level Ability: Hidden Steps, Hidden Burdens:

On your turn, you may expend a single Ki Point to enhance your initial move action. By bending gravity to your will, you are able to traverse difficult terrain and obstacles by levitating 10ft above the ground for a distance of 40ft. This distance increases by 20ft at 11th and then again at 17th. You can sacrifice your horizontal movement to increase your vertical levitation at a rate of 20ft for every 10ft in height.

For the expenditure of two Ki Points as a bonus action you may manipulate gravity to adversely affect the area a target is currently in or passing through. The area of effect is a target specific within 50ft of you that is treated as difficult terrain and travels with the target until the start of your next turn.

As a bonus action, for three Ki Points, you may impose disadvantage to a single target for their concentration, saving throws and attack rolls for the duration of their turn.

11th Level Ability: Soar As A Feather, Sink As A Stone:

On your turn, you may expend four Ki Points to suspend gravity in a 15ft cube causing creatures, unsecured items, etc in the target area to rise 15ft into the air, at which point you increase the force of gravity in the target area, slamming all unsecured creatures, targets or items to take 3d10 bludgeoning damage and fall prone. A successful dexterity save made against your Ki Save DC will deal half damage and not knock the victim prone.

You may as a bonus action, use your Unseen Fury ability at no cost against a single target who has fallen prone as a result of the Feather / Stone ability.

17th Level Ability: The Weight Of Worlds:

You have mastered the manipulation of the hidden forces that not only affect our world but also the heavenly bodies. For the expense of 6 Ki Points, on your turn, you may create an oppressive torrent of force in an area of effect that ruthlessly bears down on your opponents. You create this torrent within a 40ft cube at a range of 120ft from your person. This spell can afflict up to 6 targets for the duration of a minute, so long as you keep concentration. Affected targets move at half speed, have disadvantage to strength and dexterity saves, -2 to their AC score, they can take no reactions and can only use either a bonus action or an action, not both. Spell Concentration Checks within this AOE are at disadvantage. All targeted creatures take 1D12 force damage per round spent within the AOE. Targets may make an initial dexterity save to avoid the ability against your Ki Save DC.

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Check out our pre made character Vulg Snap-Tusk. A follower of the Unseen Weight. Hopefully he can help guide you into a nice build that you may wish to do with your own monk our you just need a different type of character for that crazy one shot. You decide!
Vulg Snap-Tusk.pdf

Vulg Snap-Tusk.png

Crypt Rehab: Overstocked


Alchemical Crag-Skin