Alchemical Crag-Skin

Description: These monstrosities were once humanoids but have since been captured, experimented upon and ultimately transformed into the toxic and madness driven abominations known as Alchemical Crag-Skins. Through the twisted arts of transmutation and alchemy, these victims became deformed with toxin filled blisters and a pronounced exaggerated arm that is more akin to a spiked mace than a healthy limb. Whole swathes of their skin are covered in alchemically created stone and crystal, fused into their flesh with the dark power of a malevolent wizard who now acts as their master. They are driven into a frenzy and unleashed upon their victims, to crush and destroy or at the very least, create more like themselves by exposing their victims to the caustic transmutative vitriol that pumps through their veins.

Alchemical Cragskin.png

Alchemical Crag-Skins
Medium Construct, Chaotic Evil


Armor Class: 18 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points: 42 (5D8+10)
Speed: 15ft


Str 18(+4) Dex 13(+1) Con 17(+3) Int 5(-3) Wis 7(-2) Cha 10(+0)


Damage Vulnerabilities: Bludgeoning.
Damage Immunities: Poison
Damage Resistance: Cold, Fire, Force.
Condition Immunities: Poisoned, Charmed, Petrified.
Senses: passive perception 9
Languages: What it knew in life.
Challenge: 2: 400 XP


Transmutative Burst. As an action, the Crag-Skin can force some of the vile and caustic chemicals that course through its veins out of its body into the air around itself in a 15’ sphere in which it is the center of. All creatures caught caught within this cloud must make a DC 15 Constitution Save or begin to have their flesh turn to stone. A failure by 5 or more and the creature is instantly petrified. A creature that succeeds by 5 or more is not affected. Creatures that succeed otherwise are considered restrained for the round and must remake the save on their next turn at which point the cloud disburses.

Malformed Maul. One of the Crag-Skin’s arms is a horrific mockery of their former limb; it is overgrown and covered in painful puss filled blisters and shards of alchemical stone. The Crag-Skin has a reach of 10ft. with this hand which it uses to make two melee attacks with per turn. The other limb is so disfigured and deformed that the creature is unable to use it for attacking or much else for that matter.


The Crag-Skin makes two attacks: two with its slam

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) acid damage.

Chthonic Madness (Recharge 5-6). The Crag-Skin experiences a fit of rage that brings physical strength. While in this maddened state, the Crag-Skin can roll with advantage on its next attack check and gains a +2 to Strength and Constitution rolls. Additionally until the start of the Crag-Skin’s next turn, it gains the benefit of Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage from all sources.


Monk Sub Class: Way of the Unseen Weight

