
Ursarak + Sir Eric.png

(Urr-sur-ak) are a diverse race of ursine humanoids that dwell across various lands, ranging from the frozen realms in the north to the cataclysmic Drakuva in the south. They are renown warriors, practitioners of ancient woodcraft and are incredibly resilient In the way of their bodies. Their fur coloration ranges from deep black and blue, various shades of brown and finally from cream to shock white,

Origins Unknown:
Scholars as well as the Urserak themselves are in complete disagreement as to when and how the Urserak came into being. Some of the more spiritualistic members of their society believe they were given life by great and primordial spirits that dwelt within the land. Some believe they are the product of magical surges where reality between the planes becomes thin. It has even been proposed by Arcanists that the Urserak were granted their sentience by a powerful Archfey who turned them into the warriors the Fey needed to win back a stolen kingdom. They believe that for their impeccable service and battle prowess, they were granted their new ‘forms’ and thus retained their sentience.

Gruff Bearing:
are famed as fearsome warriors, tireless trackers, woodsmen with impressive strength and mystics of terrible power. However, there are no tales or stories about loquacious and unexcitable diplomats counted among the Urserak, save for a few comedies. Urserak tend to ‘tell it like it is’ even when the information may be sensitive or untimely. They are prone to boasting and challenges, even when they might result in bodily harm or worse. Urserak also are not known to dance around a subject or ask obscure questions. Instead they tend to ask exactly what they wish to know, even if it might offend who they are speaking to. This is not to say that they cannot be charismatic or well spoken, it is just uncommon. An Urserak who strove to change their demeanor or were raised in a more metropolitan or diverse society certainly can overcome their natural inclinations.

Oathbound Wanderers:
The Urserak rule their lands with a tribal council in which the various clans are summoned and the elders of the council instruct the nation on what must be done. If given a quest by an elder, an Urserak will spend every moment trying to complete that quest or die trying. In times of peace and prosperity, the elders will often instruct the younger and restless Urserak to travel to other realms and prove themselves worthy. The reduced population maintains peace at home and when the wondering youth return, they often return far wealthier than when they left and enrich their tribes with what they’ve learned in the greater world. Young Urserak often take up service with mercenary companies, kingdoms at war, merchant caravans or groups of explorers. The greater the glory, the more sought after it is by the Urserak. These adventures are often so agreeable to the Urserak that they stay away from home for years at a time. Some even choose to never return.

Solitary Souls:
Even though the Urserak have traditionally been ruled by a tribal system that culminates in a tribal council of elders from the various clans, they are of a loose social structure. The Urserak respect their elders and the will of the tribe but you will not find them in great numbers any other time than the Sacred Council Fires. The Urserak tend to live alone within traveling distance of their kin or mate but most conventional behaviors are wasted upon them. Mother and Father may have many children and yet live 20 or so miles apart from one another. Urserak shirk titles and commitments, finding them not worth the effort. They also therefore do not build towns or cities, their settlements consist of individual homes many miles apart. Even the religious among them worship in the outdoors in the beauty of nature. The council fires occur in similar natural ‘halls’ of wonder. Urserak can be extremely territorial and willing to fight their own kin for resources, hence why so many are sent into the greater world. Even outside of their tribal homelands, it is exceptionally rare to see more than one Urserak traveling together. Even if more than one Urserak chooses to fight for the same king, or protect the same merchant’s wares, they do so apart from another, often becoming leaders of separate squads.

Legendary Appetites:
While warlords and nobles were eager to employ the fearsome Urserak in their house guards or upon the battlefield, they swiftly realized the cost of such arrangements. The rations needed to feed a squad of four soldiers is easily consumed by a single Urserak, not to mention the sheer amount of libations needed to sate their immense thirst. Their keen sense of smell leads their near endless pursuit of food. In their native lands, the Urserak are in constant competition with their peers for resources and they try to live within the bounds of their environment. This means that many times the Urserak might not feed to satisfaction for weeks on end so when food is freely available, they will sit and gorge themselves until they can consume no more.

Urserak Adventurers:
can be found in any class thought they tend to favor some classes over others.

Regardless of which region they come from or the origin of their species, the Urserak have adapted over time to learn how to harness and control magic, now counting many Druids and Rangers within their society. The Urserak also boast a significant number of Clerics and Paladins, tending to as a species, obtain their magic through powerful natural spirits or deities. Wizards are exceptionally rare among the Urserak, leading some scholars to assert that the large and burly Urserak lack the patience to ‘study’ to which most Urserak will simply scoff at. These powerfully built, brash creatures are natural warriors and so Fighters and Barbarians are very common among their ranks.

Urserak Names: (Gender Neutral) Arnval, Arra’Vo, Beorr, Brunda, Codlak, Cu’raba, Derth, Dyn, Egill, Esrun, Fellbjor, Frigghelm, Garrak, Grymdall, Haftor, Helmbreak, Igorrn, Ijax, Ko’Ra, Ko’Var, Lettan, Lorg, Mythfang, Mythran, Nergam, Nothgar, Oesrik, Oesbjorr, Pad’Rak, Pjo’Tyr, Qoof, Qeulann, Rogga, Rendfyr, Sylvarr, Scythepaw, Torr, Tyrr, Urdak, Urr’tall, Vorgaa, Vurrla, Warfang, Warclaw, Xalla, Xyrn, Ygram, Yvarr, Zu’Rakka, Zu’Thrym

Urserak Traits:
All Urserak have the following traits;

reach adulthood at roughly 12 years old. They typically leave their tribal home by age 15. They also have shorter lives than many other species, typically lasting 80 years.

Their haughty, boasting and challenge loving nature typically places most Urserak in a Chaotic alignment, although when on their own and away from the tribal law, they could fall into any alignment.

are tall and powerfully built. They are medium creatures but are treated as one size category larger for carrying capacity, pulling and dragging weight. Kuna Urserak range from 5 to 7 feet tall and from 150 to 500 lbs. Suva Urserak range from 7 to 9 feet tall and from 400 to 800 lbs. Oros Urserak, the largest, range from 8 to 10 feet tall and from 800 to 1200 lbs.

have a walking speed of 30ft.

Rugged and Robust:
are well equipped to deal with adverse conditions, their physical strength and iron clad stomachs allow them to consume things that might make other species deathly ill. It is not uncommon for Urserak on the frontline to scavenge spoiled foodstuffs or forage for berries and mushrooms that would kill less hardy individuals. Urserak as a species have a +2 ability increase to Constitution. They also gain Resistance to Poison and have Advantage when making saving throws to resist Poison.

Favored Invaders:
When the Urserak are hired on as mercenaries or soldiers for a realm, they make particularly good invaders as they don’t tire easily and despite their impressive appetites, can go for weeks without food or water. An Urserak that is headed to war might pack on over a 100 pounds in a couple of weeks in preparation of having little to nothing to consume while at war. While remaining active, they can last up to 50 days without food or water. In dire circumstances or harsh environments, the Urserak might opt to hibernate like their cousins. In this non active state, Urserak may survive up to 100 days without consuming food or water. Non active means non adventuring days, where the Urserak mostly sleeps.

Natural Opportunists:
All Urserak are the products of their environment. Their loose social structure and willingness to engage in conflict with friends and family over resources has created a race of creatures that are constantly looking for openings in which they might profit. Once per day an Urserak may find such an opening against an opponent and make an extra attack with either their teeth or claws. This attack can be made even if the Urserak has no more actions available to it during that round. In addition, the damage die for this attack is doubled.

Fearsome Not Friendly:
The powerful stature of the Urserak and their rugged demeanor can be very intimidating to people who are not used to the bear like humanoids. They naturally gain Proficiency in the Intimidation skill but adversely, they make for poor diplomats and thus must make all Persuasion skill checks with Disadvantage.

Sylvan and Common.


Subraces Traits:
Kuna Urserak: (Black Bear)

Naturally Clever: A number of times a day equal to half your proficiency bonus, you may apply your proficiency bonus to a skill that you are not proficient in.

Natural Weapons: 1d4 + STR Claw / 1D6+STR Bite

Ability increase: +1 to Dexterity.
Speed: 30ft Climb speed., This race has advantage on all climbing checks without the need of climbing tools.


Suva Urserak (Brown / Grizz)

Wild Umbrage The Suva can have fits of aggression and can go into this more aggressive state a number of times per day equal to their Proficiency bonus. Once you've spent all of your wild Umbrages you gain one point of exhaustion. During this Umbrage you gain resistance to piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing for 1 minute. This can still be stacked with a barbarians rage ability.

Natural Weapons: 1D6+STR Claw, 1D8+STR Bite

Ability increase: +1 to Strength.
Speed: 30 ft Base Speed. This race also gains the ability to dash using their bonus action.


Oros Urserak (Polar)

Wanderers Endurance: The Oros is know for its ability to wander for miles with out needing to stop for rest or hinder its abilities no matter how cold the area may be. This race allows you to take one point of Exhaustion with no negatives. Once the second point of exhaustion is meet it is still treated as the second point of exhaustion. On top of this the Oros has resistance to cold.

Natural Weapons: 1D8+STR CLAW/ 1D10 +STR Bite.

Abilities: Advantage to tracking. Proficiency with survival. The Oros also has the ability to hold its breath longer than a normal air breathing creature because of its ability to swim.

Ability increase: +1 to Wisdom.

Speed: 30ft., 30ft Swim speed.


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Zanje's Spectacles