Seidr Magic

The school of Seidr magic focuses on the weave of fate that surrounds all living things as well as the interwoven passage of time; Things that were, things that are and things that are yet to be. In-between these aspects of time, the masters of Seidr pull at the very strings of destiny to outmaneuver their opponents and give themselves boons that defy the very continuum of existence. Masters of Seidr are welcome in any ruling court and many others find themselves at home upon the battlefield, crafting ever changing strategies to lead the way towards victory.

It is a topic of dispute as to the origins of this potent magic or who first attempted to master its power. What is known is that the Fey and beings that frequently slip between the planes are familiar to this magic and regard it as an old standard. Not all can master such power but they will have surely heard of or met a few students in their lifetime. On the Material or Mortal Plane, this school of magic is rare. Some arcane masters regard it as a dangerous manipulation of the flow of time and of existence itself. Many have theorized that it was a bastardized form of this magic which caused the Ruination of the Dwarves some 2,000 years ago. The Dwarves of Drakuva were already the masters of their own form of Runic power, which allowed them to create and imbue marvelous machinations with arcane might. This Runic school of magic and the Rune Cutters who practiced the art were the very foundation of the Dwarven Empire of Drakuva. It is what gave them superiority over the continent and thousands of years of prosperity so it is widely disputed as to the cause of the Ruination but Rune Cutters are generally deemed innocent and their craft sorely missed as it rarely seen in the present and much of the secrets were lost in the destruction.


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