Inursys the Dreamer

Inursys was created to play the role of our big bad boss at the end of our dungeon crawl crafted for a patron on our Patreon. This patron has wish to share the whole crawl with all of our fellow Bone Ponies. This dungeon is called “The Forsaken Sepulcher”. It will be releasing in the next coming week/s but wanted to give you a taste of the danger that lurks inside the prison of Inursys! Keep an eye out for the power of dreams!

If you are also interested in a personally crafted dungeon crawl or adventure for you and your fellow Bone Ponies to enjoy, we offer an exclusive creation program on our Patreon. Allowing 2 people per month to enjoy our crafting expertise to work for your own campaigns or one shot! So, make sure you hurry on over and try and secure your own adventure today!

Click HERE for the FREE PDF


New Podcast episode!

