

Rare +2 Weapon; Longsword (Khopesh), Legendary (Requires Attunement)

Eulogy deals 1D8+2 Slashing +1D4 Psychic Damage when held single handed or when wielded with two hands. This sword contains the mired and mixed voices of countless spirits all vying for a shred of the material plane. These wailing voices lend the blade it's psychic potency and provide the user with Advantage on History and Performance skill checks while in contact with the blade. However, these voices are a curse laid upon the steel and require a DC 20 CHA save upon first becoming attuned to the blade. Those who fail this save must make a roll on the temporary madness table and suffer said effect. Repeat this challenge every 72 hours.


Bard Subclass: College of Bones


Goblin Lashmaster