Coin Eater


Coin Eater
Wondrous item, uncommon

This Bag of Holding functions exactly as expected except for the curse placed upon it by an enchanter who simply wants to watch the world burn. After 30 minutes upon the body of the person carrying the bag, it counts as being attuned to the wearer. This item would then occupy one of the character's coveted attuned item slots, which the DM can determine which item it replaces by force. In addition, every morning there is one less coin in the possession of the wearer than the day before. This missing coin is of the highest value available. Upon the second day, there are now two more coins missing, of the highest value. This process continues so long as the item is attuned to the wearer / owner and it increases in amount every day so, Day 1 lose a coin, day 2 lose two coins, day 3 lose three, etc etc. This effect ends if the bag is permanently destroyed, the magic on it is dispelled or the curse removed by magical means.


Feral Wargs


Crypt Rehab: Overstocked