Bugbear Blood Axe

Description: Who is fit to rule over brutal savages? Only those that are willing to go beyond that of their competitors, to shock the callous and cruel with swift and barbarous violence. In the more violent war bands, warriors known as Blood Axes rise to positions of leadership, ruling until deposed by a more bloodthirsty brute. The Blood Axes often stain their faces and chests with the slick gore of their fallen enemies and keep trophies from the slain whom they enjoyed dismembering the most. With their towering height and long hafted great axes, they leap from the shadows with a ferocious roar and strike down all who stand in their path, rallying their underlings into the fray.

Bugbear Blood Axe.png

Bugbear Blood Axe
Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid), Chaotic Evil


Armor Class: 16 (Scale Mail)
Hit Points: 100 (11D8+26)
Speed: 30ft


Str 18 (+4) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3) Int 12 (+1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 8 (-1)


Saving Throws: Str +6 Dex +4 Con +5
Skills: Intimidate +5 Stealth +7 Athletics +8
Senses: Darkvision 60ft
Languages: Common, Goblin
Challenge Rating: 4


Savage Ambusher: Bugbear Blood Axes keep their rule through strength of arms and intimidation. As such, the Blood Axes relish in making a grand entrance in battle, surprising their victims and cleaving into their flesh from seemingly nowhere. The Blood Axe may add an additional 3D6 damage to their first attack in combat if the defender is surprised, such as if they are unaware of the Blood Axe's presence. Additionally, for this attack only, the Critical Hit range on all weapons is doubled from 20 to 19-20.

Reign In Blood: Recharge 5-6. Upon successfully striking an opponent, the Blood Axe can attempt to rally his followers and invigorate them through bloodshed. After dealing damage to an opponent, the Blood Axe can expend a bonus action to give 1D6 Temporary Hit Points to all allies within 20ft who can clearly see the Blood Axe. This ability only affects allies of a lower CR than the Blood Axe.

Fire In The Blood: Once per day, the Bugbear Blood Axe can force his body beyond its normal capacity, willing muscles and flesh to move when otherwise they would falter. In a fit of battle lust, the Blood Axe upon falling to 0 Hit Points can immediately regain 3D6 Hit Points and stay standing, if of course it was standing when it fell to 0 Hit Points in the first place. This would not affect a Blood Axe that was instantly killed for example by the Disintegrate spell.


The Bugbear Blood Axe makes two attacks on its turn.
Modified Greataxe: +7 to Hit. 2D8+4 Slashing Damage. 10ft Reach. 7lbs. Properties: Heavy, Two Handed.
Throwing Axes (6 total): +7 to Hit. 1D6+4 Slashing Damage. 10ft Reach. 2lbs. Properties: Light, Thrown (Range 20/60).




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