Arcane Tradition: Seidr


Tradition of Seidr, School of Seidr: (created for DND 5e)

Your school of magic focuses on the weave of fate that surrounds all living things as well as the interwoven passage of time; Things that were, things that are and things that are yet to be. In-between these aspects of time, the masters of Seidr pull at the very strings of destiny to outmaneuver their opponents and give themselves boons that defy the very continuum of existence. Masters of Seidr are welcome in any ruling court and many others find themselves at home upon the battlefield, crafting ever changing strategies to lead the way towards victory.

Seidr Savant: Starting at the 2nd Level when you select this Tradition, the gold and time you must spend to copy a Seidr spell into your spellbook is halved.

Existing All At Once: Your manipulation of fate has had powerful effects upon your being. At 2nd Level, you no longer require a full night of sleep in order to stave off exhaustion and recover from adventuring. Instead, you can become rested by meditating for 4 hours, similar to the sleeping habits of the Elves. If the player character is of a race that already possesses this ability, halve the required hours again. In addition, once per day you can opt to take a "20" instead of rolling for Initiative. You can still add your Initiative modifier to the total score.

As If It Never Were: Starting at 6th Level, your power over the weave of time has grown to the point of allowing you to potentially alter an event inexorably. Twice per day you may overturn a critical hit that affects either yourself or an ally that you can see within 30' of your location. The attack might still cause damage but the critical damage is nullified.

As It Was Foretold: Starting at 10th Level, you are able to share the boons you've ripped from the weave of time grant it to your allies. Once per day, your connection to the flow of existence allows for you extend Advantage onto Initiative Rolls for you and a number of allies equal to half of your total Wizard Level. In addition, your aging process also slows by 25%.

This Mortal Coil In Twain: At the 14th Level, your mastery of Seidr magic allows for you to exchange your daily Arcane Recovery ability in order to immediately cast a spell a second time as a Bonus Action, even if the spell is of a higher level than what could be regained from using the Wizard's Arcane Recovery. This temporary burst of chronologically manipulating energy has an obvious benefit, casting a powerful spell not once but twice. However, there is a physical cost for temporal tampering; the user immediately loses 5 Hit Dice worth of their current Health Points. Seidr is a powerful form of magic but it can largely be unstable. Such was the destruction of the Dwarves of Drakuva. This ability can only be used once per day. In addition, your aging process also slows by a further 25%.


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