An Adventurer Like You

Simple trap (Level 1-4, Dangerous threat) The crossbow is hidden at knee height designed to cripple an intruder using a special arrow head attached to a bolt.

Triggers. A creature that walks through the trip wire triggers the trap.

Effects. The trap makes an attack against the triggering creature. The attack has a +8 attack bonus and deals 5 (1D10) piercing damage on a hit. This attack can’t gain advantage or disadvantage. When a creature is hit by the attack, they must make a DC 15 Constitution check on a successful save the creature only takes the damage and is not affected by the condition. On a failed save the affected creatures speed is halved and the creature cannot use the dash action. The creature also gains disadvantage on all Dexterity saving throws. This condition last 1D10 minutes or until the creature is healed with a cure wounds spell slot 1st or higher.

Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a wire. A successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools disables the trap, and a check with a total of 10 or lower triggers the trap.

This almost ended my adventuring career, it took me weeks to nurse my knee back to good working condition.” Ruinkeeper.


Thorn Devil


Gentron’s Wand