Adventures in Thistledown: Act 1

Adventures in Thistledown: Act 1 FREE PDF download on our Patreon! We could not upload it to the website because of the size but you do not have to subscribe to be able to receive this FREE PDF. If you want to support us that would be awesome!!

Welcome to the city of Thistledown, a bustling city where magic, technology, and faith all clash against one another in a controlled chaos. However, while all these sides vie for power, a wicked force hides in the shadows, eager to disrupt things themselves for their own nefarious and power-hungry desires. Explore a place where things aren’t always as they seem, and danger lurks in the dark. Will your players be able to solve the mysteries of Thistledown? Or will they just become another group lost to the threats that plague the city?

Adventures in Thistledown introduces an original campaign setting & adventure module created for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. This book contains the first of two acts of the story that we have written for Thistledown, and is meant for parties of up to 4 players from level 1 to 6. This document introduces the setting of Thistledown and includes 4 premade adventures for your group, which can be individually run as individual adventures, collectively as the overall narrative of the Thistledown story, or even as a starting point for your own original adventures.


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