Under Priced Overlord


You too can make these bad boys for as little as a few dollars. These decorative bottles can be purchased on Amazon.com for very cheap and the healing elixir? Glittler glue, roughly $2 a bottle at your local Walmart or hobby store. Spice up your game table!.

I simply squirted the glitter glue into the bottles and as it began to layer, I tapped the bottles on the table firmly to help the glue settle into a solid form. I am unsure if the product would dry properly and so I glued the cork stoppers into the bottles with a little super glue.

I used these as superior health potions in my homebrew and distributed them accordingly. Magic is common in my campaign setting and so the party has a good stock of healing potions but of only the base quality. For rare or important items, it's nice to have something to distribute and it helps the dungeon master keep track of who has what. The paladin in my party of adventurers had a rough battle with a narzugon and quickly consumed his potion which I collected from him.

I never played with props or miniatures in my youth, it just wasn’t something that was readily available or even desired but as I’ve grown older I have enjoyed bringing that extra something to the table for my sessions. I think that often times players and dungeon masters feel that the elaborate sets as seen on Critical Role or the Gary Gygax Memorial Dungeon are unobtainable. The world is expensive enough without having to spend hundreds of dollars on something you might effectively use once. However, with a little ingenuity and creativity, it’s easy to transform your game into something of a higher level.

I hope to create a series of such articles in which I can document the steps I’ve taken and impart some instructional knowledge into the Elder Brain of our community. In closing, get out there worthy Overlord and make that map, paint that mini and brew that potion. We’ve got dice to roll.


I purchased 24 bottles on Amazon for roughly $8 and a six pack of colored glitter glue for about $12. The superglue was around $3. Not bad when you consider what you can do with them.


The glitter glue doesn't settle evenly when you squirt it into the bottle. I've found that lightly tapping the bottle on the table or against your hand helps the glue to settle more evenly into the bottle. 

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It is important to fill the bottle in layers. Fill it part way, tap to settle the product and repeat. It is more important to not fill the bottle all the way to the top. Leave yourself a 1/4" or so you don't make a mess or get superglue all over your hands like someone may have done...

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A dollop of glue in the center of the bottle and a little on the inner rim and you are ready to insert the cork and hold it in place for a moment to allow the glue to cure. It isn't necessarry to superglue the corks into the bottle but I chose to do it to allow for easier transport and to discourage anyone I might give these to from drinking them...

Did I buy the mortar and pestle for this shot? Maybe. Are those incense smoking from within? Cedar scented MAGIC.

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Behold the product of overfilling the bottle! This is easily cleaned up with an exacto knife. Enjoy!


Overlord Tips and Tricks


Thorn Devil